• Applications must be sent to with a paper abstract of about 250-300 words and a filled-out application form (click here) within the symposium schedule.
• Papers should be in one of the following languages: Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Persian, or English.
• Full texts of the papers whose abstracts are accepted should be prepared according to the writing rules and sent from the above email address by the date specified in the symposium schedule.
• Papers accepted by the Scientific Committee and presented at the symposium will be published as e-books, provided that they pass the referee process.
• The symposium will be held in person for participants who can come to Ağrı, and online for those who cannot.
•Accommodation and travel expenses of the participants coming from outside the city will be paid by the participants.
1. The subject title should be in 14 point, bold, and centered.
2. The name(s) of the author/authors should be written centered under the title and in italics. Also, the author's title, institution where he/she works, and email address should be indicated in the footnote.
3. The abstract of the paper should not exceed 300 words.
4. Turkish and English abstracts should be in Times New Roman, 10 point size.
5. At least three keywords related to the topic should be added at the end of the abstracts.
6. Paper texts should be written on A4 size paper, in 1.5 line spacing, 11 point, Times New Roman font, with 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 from the bottom, 3 cm from the left, and 2.5 cm from the right in a Microsoft-Office (Word) environment.
7. Footnotes should be written with 10 point size and one line spacing.
8. The Full Text of the Paper should be a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 30 pages.
9. Appendices should be placed after the bibliography.
NOTE: Footnote and bibliography should comply with the ISNAD 2 citation system.
The Social Program will be announced later.
CONTACT: Res. Asst. Emrullah BOLAT / 0544 413 79 00
Res. Asst. Rıdvan YILMAZ / 0537 725 58 92